Are You Living a Life that Makes Your Ego Uncomfortable?
Musings from my diary..
My next question is:
Why not?
The EGO can be very loud, but also very allusive.
When it's loud it will play on your fears and ask you to move from a place a stress or worry or from a place of wanting to avoid something (rejection, isolation, abandonment, etc.).
When it's allusive it will play on these patterns without you realizing it. Because these patterns are so engrained they can become blindspots and cause you to operate from a place of default rather than design.
Often when we come up against a choice point (i.e. a health issue, job change, loss of any kind, major life shift, and/or anything else that shakes you to your core) it is our Soul asking us to make a change, to step out of the EGO mind and follow its calling.
I have come to see these choice points as the places on our paths where we can choose to continue operating in the same way we have been, being defined in the same ways and acting from the same mental, emotional, spiritual and/or even energetic blueprint that we've been conditioned into OR we can begin to let Life/God/Spirit move us towards our original blueprint and operate from there instead.
By consciously designing our life when these choice points come we will inevitably make our EGOs uncomfortable; it likes to operate from default because it knows what's coming.
One last thing is that you may be living a life that is uncomfortable and you want things to be different, but are resisting making the changes needed for change be reflected to you.
You are most likely not living a life that makes your EGO uncomfortable, but rather you are living a life that is making your SOUL uncomfortable.
What can you do today that shifts you into alignment with your Soul's deepest callings?
Keep is mind it may be the WILDest thing you can think of. It also may be the simplest.
Either way, it is something YOU have power and control over. It is a step you can take right now with what you have right in front of you.
P.S. I hold dear the conversations I have with my community. Send me an Instagram DM @dr.wayshower or leave a comment here if you have any reflections to share, or if this was especially insightful for you!