Salve for
the Soul

My Treasured Assets to Serve
your Transpirational Journey Home

Everything in this world vibrates at a certain frequency. We know this about sound and color. It is the same for us. We are energy and our thoughts, beliefs, actions, and emotions are all energy in motion.

Energy Medicine is said to be complimentary to other sources of medical care. In my work as a Physical Therapist I have seen how the frequencies of these invisible energies  (thoughts, actions, beliefs, emotions) affect the physical body and overall wellbeing. Energy Medicine is the future of medicine and how we begin to build a true system of health care.

Many operate all day everyday out of fear and create lives they don't even want without realizing the roles they play. Our energy magnetizes our experiences to us. We are co-creators of the world we experience. Recognizing this and the importance of an expanded awareness is key for the shifts we are looking for to take place.

Through perspective shifts you can bring awareness to the conditioning (mental and emotional patterning) that is no longer working for you so that the fear and distortions causing the difficulty you are dealing with can be mentally, emotionally, energetically and thus physically cleared from your physical and energetic field. This realigns you to your intuition and individual, natural blueprint which in turn ensures sustainable and personally empowered states of health and wellbeing.

This is energy medicine: Quantum shifts taking place in the unseen realms so that alignment can be attained and sustained physically.

Energy Medicine Illuminated



It is with gratitude that I share several of my greatest teachers and guides that have aided in ushering in the higher frequencies within my own Heart.


  • Functional & Sustainable Nutritionist
    Wildatarian Lifestyle, Founder
    Medical Intuitive

    More this Way

  • Attunement Practitioner

    More this Way

  • Chiropractic ABC Practitioner

    More this Way


  • Chiropractor
    Heart/Mind Coherence researcher
    Event & Meditation Facilitator

    More this Way

  • Dream Builder , Founder
    Brave Thinking Institute, Founder

    More this Way

  • Medical Intuitive
    Millennium Education, Founder

    More this Way


  • Clairevoyant Channeler
    Heart Thread Healer
    Connects You to Essential Self and Spirit Guides

    More this Way

  • Ascension Mentor
    Akashic Records reader/practitioner
    Spiritual Expansion Academy, Founder

    More this Way

  • Shaman
    Polarity Energy practitioner
    Inner Stillness Healing, Founder

    More this Way

  • Highspeed Healing, Founder
    International Chronic Pain Institute, Founder

    More this Way

I Am at peace with everything for I Am all and I Am at peace with myself.


May these powerful and profound writings serve your transpirational walk as they have mine on the journey Home.


Heal Your Body

Louise Hay

Gene Keys

Richard Rudd

The Emotion Code

Dr. Bradley Nelson

The Game of Life & How to Play It

Florence, Scovel Shinn

Outrageous Openess

Tosha Silver



Dr. Kenneth Harris

A New Earth

Eckhart Tolle

Broken Open

Elizabeth Lesser

A Return to Love

Marianne Williamson

Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender

Dr. David Hawkins


Caroline Myss

Anatomy of the Spirit

Rise Sister Rise

Rebecca Campbell

Power Animals

Lori Morrison

A Radical Approach to the Akashic Records

Melissa Feik


Dive into my diary where you’ll find channeled reflection on spiritual evolution, energy medicine, navigating widowhood + more.

Journey into Unseen Realms & Come Home to your Light Within.