
Cultivating Peace Within


I’m so grateful you’re here.

I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy, energy healer, and transformational spiritual guide.

I believe it is the frequencies of invisible energies of our thought, action, belief, and emotion that affect overall wellbeing and it is these same unseen forces that are the key to our healing.

I’m here to guide you through an inner expedition of these unseen energies that transcend into expanded awareness and multidimensional shifts leading you to evolve out of the pain patterns that have kept you feeling stuck.

All that I share I have learned through my own entanglement with adversity and pain.

Eight months after I married my husband, Tripp, he received a life-changing cancer diagnosis taking us on a 9.5 year journey that became my greatest teacher. I witnessed first hand how if you want your circumstances to change, you must first change yourself.

It was through great presence with my husband and our two children as we navigated this chapter together that I experienced astronomical perspective shifts that completely changed my way of being.

Life offers these extraordinary opportunities to weed out all that is not actually working while providing the exact experiences needed to achieve that which has been prayed for.

It was then from necessity that I uncovered the tools I teach today. They pulled me straight into the heart of personal empowerment and allowed me to open my mind to an expansive way of being.

My intuitive gifts and inner wisdom shine through in my 1:1 client work. Inside these spaces, I work in the unseen realms. I compliment my depth of body literacy with tools like energy medicine, the Emotion Code, and the Gene Keys that are integrated from my own self-study. It is from my own lived experiences and desire for personal mastery that I am able to assist clients in leaping through wormholes into the life-affirming transfiguration they seek.

It’s with a heart of gratitude that I share my work today to honor my late husband, our journey together, and all of the souls I get to serve.

It’s my greatest intention to facilitate quantum leaps with you as you repattern the narratives of your own inner world.

May you live from an expanded awareness, open your heart to your higher expression, and come home to your light within.

Heather Robbins

My Prayer for You

I will not rescue you,
For you are not powerless.

I will not fix you,
For you are not broken.

I will not heal you,
For I see you in your wholeness.

I will walk with you through the darkness, as you courageously begin to embody your Light once again.

Thank You for all of the Blessings that are

Thank you for all of the Blessings that are to be

Thank You for all of the Blessings that are ◖ Thank you for all of the Blessings that are to be ◗


The Four Leaf Clover Project

The Four Leaf Clover Project is a registered 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization founded by myself, Heather Robbins.

The organization aims to bridge the gap between the modern healthcare system and alternative medicine by providing financial support for patients and their families to receive treatments otherwise outside of insurance coverage.

I Deeply Cherish


The healing journey is really a spiritual journey full of remembering and aligning to the Divine within.


You are an infinite being of consciousness who’s greatest expansion will transpire when you attune your Heart to the realm of the powerful unseen.


Magic and miracles come alive when you allow your full Humanity to meet your full Divinity within the Heart.


Everything is energy, frequency, and vibration. The higher frequencies are always present, sometimes just hidden. To reveal what always is, you must simply remember your Wholeness and Oneness with Love.

Energy Medicine

Explore my library of trusted guides, books & assets that serve as a portal to personal empowerment.

Expand into the Multidimensi-onal Shifts your Soul came here for.