What is it that You Do Again?

Musings from my diary..

I'm so glad you asked! 😆

But in all actuality I'm not sure I fully introduced or explained myself in my recent refinement.

Hello to old friends and new friends alike.

I am Heather and I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy and a Highspeed Healing practitioner who is currently remembering and embracing the mystical parts of herself and stepping more fully into her God-given gifts.

I am not your average Physical Therapist.

I do not treat the physical body the way most PTs do.

I work in the unseen as I have been shown and have come to see that it is the unseen (our thought patterns, belief systems, emotions, Epigenetic predisposition, Bioenergetic make-up) that 1000% creates what it is that we do see and experience with our 3D senses.

I became more and more inclined to ask root cause questions in my practice early on as a PT and found that so much of what I was treating was preventable.

And so my life and the experiences my soul/Higher Self/Essential Self brought to me were all to guide me into this deeper wisdom.

If you have known me from earlier phases in my life, I am still the same Heather, but a refined, confident, genuine and transparent version of her.

I am still learning, growing, asking the hard questions of myself and the world and so some of the things I may share here are all from the level of awareness I have at this moment.

I anchor myself and my practice in my open heart and on the foundation that everything is always changing including myself.

With this in mind I seek to provide a space where no matter where you are in your journey you are welcome.

I may share things here that make you uncomfortable; please know that most likely I, too, experienced those same feelings (i.e. I have been guided to Oracle cards and reading Tarot where a year ago I couldn't fathom looking at Tarot cards because they scared me!).

I am not your average Physical Therapist. I won't fit into your box.

If you want someone else or something else, I understand and welcome you to seek that out.

This space is mine and I claim it for those seeking to step into the uncomfortable; however that shows up for you.

Where ever you are, however you present to the world, you are enough.


P.S. I hold dear the conversations I have with my community. Send me an Instagram DM @dr.wayshower or leave a comment here if you have any reflections to share, or if this was especially insightful for you!


Have Courage Dear Heart


I am of Great Service to Humanity